1. You want to get a high paying job to maybe start your own business? To invest in the stock market? To make more money from your business? To do things that will make you feel successful!!!
A few years ago i wouldn't have had a chance in the world to invest in a gallon of free water never mind anything else.
2. You want to be able to SAVE MONEY? to invest your money? to save for a big purchase?(House maybe) to feel more secure about your future.
Saving money was impossible as the bills had to be paid before I got a check into my hand.
3. You want to save time. You want to work less and spend more time enjoying life's pleasures.
Saving time??? Never an option I had to work extra hours to cover for a few pints at the weekend..
4. You want to look better? to lose weight? to tone your body? to improve your facial features? to feel more attractive to others.
Keeping myself toned was a thing of pulling pipes around or building blocks 4ft in the ground..
5. You want to learn something new? to learn something new that really works and will make your life better that will make you feel smart because you did it all on your own!!!
Learning something new did happen most days for the bosses advantage. He would teach me more skills so I had to do more work instead of him employing more or new people.
6. You want you and your children to live longer -- to get in shape -- eat better -- gain extra energy -- to look and feel healthier.
I have no kids but I can imagine not haven much time to cook a decent meal for them or getting the chance to go kick football in the park.
7. You want to be comfortable? to be free of your common aches and pains, to sleep more comfortably
Common aches and pains, well now, there was always a worry is next months doctors bill going to be higher than last months.
8. You don't want to be lonely I assume, you want to be loved, to start dating again and feel wanted.
Being down in the dumps is not much fun, it's harder to make new friends never mind find the dream girl.
9. You want to be popular? to be famous like a celebrity, to feel praised and admired.
Being popular is easy if your the one buying the drinks in the pub all night long.
10. You want to gain pleasure,to satisfy your appetite and desires,to feel more fulfilled.
Instead of breathing in smoke from a diesel engine it would be nicer to breath fresh air from the top of a mountain or maybe have a chance to stand back and say well look at what I have achieved...
Up until recently all I knew was to work hard, and never realized there was other ways to gain the life both you and I deserve.
Success awaits..
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