Sunday, May 1, 2011

Why would a personal trainer want to promote health products?

 The answer is two-fold: to benefit them and their clients.

Promoting health products benefits your client. When you recommend products that enhance their lives or accelerate their training, your customers are happy. Happy customers give referrals!

Referrals are one way that promoting health products can benefit your business. From those referrals, you will have some customers who do not want your personal training services. Instead, they will come to you solely for your health products. By promoting health products, you can open a whole new revenue-building aspect of your business.

Your profit on the health products you choose to promote is another good reason to consider selling them. Check with the supplier you choose. How do they sell their Health products.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

How To Build Any Network Marketing Business..

It's not as difficult as it sounds. I've used the following 5 step system many times to successfully find new prospects and close sales -- fast. It's inexpensive to use and works for building a business on the Internet or in traditional ways. You can copy this same system to build your MLM business.

STEP 1. Target a Niche Market
Maybe everybody can use what you offer. But that doesn't mean everybody will take the time to consider it. You'll get the largest number of sign-ups with the least amount of effort and at the lowest cost by targeting a niche market.

A niche market is a group of potential customers who share common characteristics making them especially receptive to what you offer.

I recently met a distributor for an MLM company selling health and nutritional products. She found a list of health club members who also subscribe to a magazine about starting a business. The combination of these 2 special interests created a good niche market for her. It's her primary source of new distributors.

STEP 2. Generate Low Cost Inquiries (Leads)
Use small ads, postcards and other low cost methods to generate inquiries (or web site traffic) from prospects in your targeted niche market. Prospects in your niche market are very interested in what you offer. Therefore, you'll be able to sign-up a higher than average percentage of the inquiries from them.

Generating leads also enables you to collect contact information you can use to follow up with prospects who don't take action the first time they see your offer. For example, you can direct inquiries to your web site where you also offer a free report or newsletter by email. Once you have the prospect's email address you can follow up periodically with new offers.

STEP 3. Create a Burning Desire
You'll get more sales and sign-ups by appealing to emotion than by appealing to logic. Your web site, sales letters, video/audio tapes and other sales tools should dramatize the emotional rewards your prospect gets from using your company's products -- or by becoming a distributor in your downline. For example, to promote the business opportunity, describe how a successful distributor spends his or her ideal day. Create a burning desire to begin enjoying this lifestyle.

TIP: Evaluate the effectiveness of sales tools available from your company or upline. If they don't produce results for you, develop your own. I know many MLM distributors who get a much higher response from postcards they created than from the postcards supplied by their company.

STEP 4. Stimulate Immediate Action
Many prospects procrastinate after they make the mental decision to sign up with you. They get distracted by other things. Their interest begins to fade and they never do it. You can avoid losing them by rewarding immediate action and penalizing procrastination. I know of one distributor who refunds his sign up bonus to new distributors -- but ONLY if they sign up within 48 hours of receiving his "special offer".

STEP 5. Follow Up
Most prospects won't take action the first time they investigate your offer. That's why it's important to collect the contact information I mentioned in Step 2.

Follow up with new prospects every few days for the first week. If they don't sign up, store their names and addresses and follow up with them every month during the next 6 months. You can often double your business volume by following up with prospects.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

How can I tell a legal Network Marketing business from an illegal Pyramid?

Network Marketing also known as MLM ('multi-level marketing'), relationship marketing and referral marketing, is the 21st century way for entrepreneurs to build a high income, without having to make huge financial investments. Most MLMs don't need any premises beyond a computer desk and perhaps a filing cabinet (though some may need storage space for product). Unlike franchises (the business opportunities of the 20th century) in general the upfront investment is small and training is usually free or very cheap. Overheads are low or non-existent, profits can be very high indeed.

At first glance, MLM is very similar to the pyramid schemes which have been made illegal in most of the West. In the pyramid, a representative pays his initial stake when he is recruited and is then shown how to recruit other representatives. Every representative recruited brings a bonus and adds to the potential residual income. But, if no customers are required, sooner or later the whole structure will collapse, because there is nowhere for the income to come from. In pyramid schemes, the people at the top are the only ones who can make money, because there is a limited pool of potential recruits, and no other source of income. It's pretty obvious that no company can survive for long without any customers.

How to distinguish a Pyramid from an MLM

In MLM, it is possible for a recruit to overtake the person who recruited them, and end up making more money than them
In a pyramid scheme, your place in the matrix is fixed. You cannot overtake your sponsor. Even if they do nothing after recruiting you, they will still make more money than you.

In MLM, nobody makes any money until there is a sale: the company's income derives from its customers, and so does the income of the company's representatives< d>
In a pyramid scheme, you are paid bonuses for recruiting other representatives, regardless of whether or not they achieve any sales or gain any customers. Because there is no income to the company, sooner or later this scheme will collapse.

So there you have it. When you look at the differences, it is quite clear why pyramid schemes were made illegal in the first place; they're just a scam. In contrast, network marketing is an excellent way of making money by recommending products and recruiting others to do the same; it is the 21st century answer to the franchise. It's hardly surprising that 10% of new millionaires made their money in MLM... and who knows how many settled for just half a million, or less?

P.s Have Your Chance 4 Big Money???

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Info on Earning Money From Home!!!

Check Out This Link For Further Information.

Your Earning On Your Own And From Your Team Members:

20% on all Retail i.e €1000 = €200 IN YOUR POCKET


1st bonus level starts at €1200


2nd bonus level starts at €2400


3rd bonus level starts at €4150


You With 4 Team Members:

Each Member Doing €1250 = €6250 Retail


To retail €1250 on your own would take 8/10 Hours

4th bonus level starts at €13750

You with 4+ Team Members:


TO retail on your own would take 12/15 Hours

€2320 x 12 months = €30160 per year Income!!!

€30160 can be earned on a part time basis provided you are willing to take 
my advice and put it into action.
Each new team member may also bring on board new members which will 
increase your income further to much higher levels.


Check Out The Link Above To See The Expansion Of your Business.

Fergus 0872575088
P.s Have Your Chance 4 Big Money???

Monday, December 20, 2010

Tips To Generate More Business!!!

What do I actually do to get business?'. The following are my top 10 of how to generate business and at least a few of these will apply to what you do…

  1. Make every project you do exceptional – exceed your clients expectations. This makes them think 'how can I use their services more?'
  2. Ask for referrals from existing clients after completing step 1.
  3. Use social media not to sell but to be 'top of mind' and visible so that when a requirement arises you are contactable.
  4. Have an email newsletter, mine is quarterly and focuses not on what we do but on helpful tips, techniques and tools.
  5. Invest in the best design – books are judged by their covers. You wouldn't buy a Tiffany diamond and get it in a plastic bag…
  6. Be the best example of your own work – share your stories, your insights and knowledge for FREE, this creates traction and interest.
  7. ONLY go after business you will love doing (helps point 1.) I don't do tenders or easy money workshops. I am only interested if the clients commitment matches my own.
  8. Know your clients businesses intimately and make yourself indispensable to them.
  9. Don't use business plans, only action plans. Plan less and prototype and test new material more.
  10. Above all else use passion as your compass, do what you love, don't do what you don't love. The acid test is always to ask 'would I do this for free?' Passion is infectious and everyone want's a bit of a great thing. Great things come with great price tags!!!

    Success Awaits

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

We all want to get "rich" right??

Hi Guys,

We all want to get or be rich, right???
So why is it  few people get the money they dream of??

Well this is my theory maybe not yours but how i see it.

We start school at maybe 4/5 years of age and are thought
the educational system of how to read or write, among other
things like draw a circle or straight line using the guideline of
a ruler Etc. etc. etc.

Well point being a lot is BLA... because most people at the 
end of the day want good money healthy and wealthy lifestyle,
freedom to come and go as they please and never worry about
endless amount of bills. right??

So whats the secret that most people don't know??

Remember John? (just picking an name as example)
Well john sat beside me in school, he was a quite fella who didn't
really mix with the other kids, never kicked football at break times,
was never the type to put his hand up to say yes teacher i'll help
or give that a go, always was the one who was laughed at when
he give a wrong answer, always had bad grades.
Teacher thinking to themselves he is at a dead loss but never said
it, as maybe they worked more with the top graders.(maybe)
So what was going through John's head?? most likely he was
saying some day i will show them all...

John's step to showing us all is very simple but like you or I we were
never thought this in the early stages, sure we were told if you get 
good grades you will get a good job, or if you serve your time like
I have done you will be set for life. Thinking of it we were a being lied
to by the previous generation unintentionally of course.

The secert or lesson never thought to you by anyone is:


So lets have a few simple examples of what I mean:

Say you have €100 in your pocket and someone tells you if I can
borrow your €100 I will give you back €105 in its place
(Bank maybe)??
The reverse to this of course is a bank lets you borrow €100
they want you to pay back €110 most likely.
This is an everyday example of money working for you, there is no
getting up at 7 in the morning to make a sandwich for your tea break
come 10 a.m and bursting your bum all day in the rain hail or sunshine
but you still get the same results at the end of the day, you make profit.

Lets have another example: the stock market you invest a couple of 
thousand into this stock market to make a profit back,or at least you hope
so. well let me tell you stock markets are not always the way to go as the
Euro,Sterling or Dollor  are designed to have less and less value everyday.
Why?? This time last year a pint of milk may have been €1.50 but this time
next year it maybe €1.60 or more. Do you agree?? But you are still being paid
the same if not less money. Right??

My top ten reasons why you aren't rich...

1. You Care What Your Neighbors Think: If you're competing against them and their material possessions, you're wasting your hard-earned money on toys to impress them instead of building your wealth.

2. You Aren't Patient: Until the era of credit cards, it was difficult to spend more than you had. That is not the case today. If you have credit card debt because you couldn't wait until you had enough money to purchase something in cash, you are making others wealthy while keeping yourself in debt.

3. You Have Bad Habits: Whether it's smoking, drinking, gambling or some other bad habit, the habit is using up a lot of money that could go toward building wealth. Most people don't realize that the cost of their bad habits extends far beyond the immediate cost. Take smoking, for example: It costs a lot more than the pack of cigarettes purchased. It also negatively affects your wealth in the form of higher insurance rates and decreased value of your home.

4. You Have No Goals: It's difficult to build wealth if you haven't taken the time to know what you want. If you haven't set wealth goals, you aren't likely to attain them. You need to do more than state, "I want to be a millionaire." You need to take the time to set saving and investing goals on a yearly basis and come up with a plan for how to achieve those goals.

5. You Haven't Prepared: Bad things happen to the best of people from time to time, and if you haven't prepared for such a thing to happen to you through insurance, any wealth that you might have built can be gone in an instant.

6. You Try to Make a Quick Buck: For the vast majority of us, wealth doesn't come instantly. You may believe that people winning the lottery are a dime a dozen, but the truth is you're far more likely to get struck by lightning than win the lottery. This desire to get rich quickly likely extends into the way you invest, with similar results.

7. You Rely on Others to Take Care of Your Money: You believe that others have more knowledge about money matters, and you rely exclusively on their judgment when deciding where you should invest your money. Unfortunately, most people want to make money themselves, and this is their primary objective when they tell you how to invest your money. Listen to other people's advice to get new ideas, but in the end you should know enough to make your own investing decisions.

8. You Invest in Things You Don't Understand: Your hear that Bob has made a lot of money doing it, and you want to get in on the gravy train. If Bob really did make money, he did so because he understood how the investment worked. Throwing in your money because someone else has made money without fully understanding how the investment works will keep you from being wealthy.

9. You're Financially Afraid: You are so scared of risk that you keep all your money in a savings account that is actually losing money when inflation is put into the equation, yet you refuse to move it to a place where higher rates of return are possible because you're afraid that you will lose money.

10. You Ignore Your Finances: You take the attitude that if you make enough, the finances will take care of themselves. If you currently have debt, it will somehow resolve itself in the future. Unfortunately, it takes planning to become wealthy. It doesn't magically happen to the vast majority of people.

In reality, it is probably not just one of the above bad habits that has kept you from becoming a millionaire, but a combination of a few of them. Take a hard look at the list, and do some reflecting. If you want to be a millionaire, it's well within your power, but you'll have to face the issues that are currently keeping you from creating that wealth before you will have a chance to call yourself one..

Spending money is one of the easiest things to do,
But why not spend or use it wisely???
What we "need" to do is learn how to make money
work for us and not how we work for money!!!

Success Awaits:

Monday, August 30, 2010

Are theses some of the things you want from life???

1. You want to get a high paying job to maybe start your own business? To invest in the stock market? To make more money from your business? To do things that will make you feel successful!!!
A few years ago i wouldn't have had a chance in the world to invest in a gallon of free water never mind anything else.

2. You want to be able to SAVE MONEY? to invest your money? to save for a big purchase?(House maybe) to feel more secure about your future.
Saving money was impossible as the bills had to be paid before I got a check into my hand.

3. You want to save time. You want to work less and spend more time enjoying life's pleasures.
Saving time??? Never an option I had to work extra hours to cover for a few pints at the weekend..

4. You want to look better? to lose weight? to tone your body? to improve your facial features? to feel more attractive to others.
Keeping myself toned was a thing of pulling pipes around or building blocks 4ft in the ground..

5. You want to learn something new? to learn something new that really works and will make your life better that will make you feel smart because you did it all on your own!!!
Learning something new did happen most days for the bosses advantage. He would teach me more skills so I had to do more work instead of him employing more or new people.

6. You want you and your children to live longer -- to get in shape -- eat better -- gain extra energy -- to look and feel healthier.
I have no kids but I can imagine not haven much time to cook a decent meal for them or getting the chance to go kick football in the park. 

7. You want to be comfortable? to be free of your common aches and pains, to sleep more comfortably
Common aches and pains, well now, there was always a worry is next months doctors bill going to be higher than last months.

8. You don't want to be lonely I assume, you want to be loved, to start dating again and  feel wanted.
Being down in the dumps is not much fun, it's harder to make new friends never mind find the dream girl. 

9. You want to be popular? to be famous like a celebrity, to feel praised and admired.
Being popular is easy if your the one buying the drinks in the pub all night long.

10. You want to gain pleasure,to satisfy your appetite and desires,to feel more fulfilled.
Instead of breathing in smoke from a diesel engine it would be nicer to breath fresh air from the top of a mountain or maybe have a chance to stand back and say well look at what I have achieved...

Up until recently all I knew was to work hard, and never realized there was other ways to gain the life both you and I deserve.

Success awaits..