Monday, December 20, 2010

Tips To Generate More Business!!!

What do I actually do to get business?'. The following are my top 10 of how to generate business and at least a few of these will apply to what you do…

  1. Make every project you do exceptional – exceed your clients expectations. This makes them think 'how can I use their services more?'
  2. Ask for referrals from existing clients after completing step 1.
  3. Use social media not to sell but to be 'top of mind' and visible so that when a requirement arises you are contactable.
  4. Have an email newsletter, mine is quarterly and focuses not on what we do but on helpful tips, techniques and tools.
  5. Invest in the best design – books are judged by their covers. You wouldn't buy a Tiffany diamond and get it in a plastic bag…
  6. Be the best example of your own work – share your stories, your insights and knowledge for FREE, this creates traction and interest.
  7. ONLY go after business you will love doing (helps point 1.) I don't do tenders or easy money workshops. I am only interested if the clients commitment matches my own.
  8. Know your clients businesses intimately and make yourself indispensable to them.
  9. Don't use business plans, only action plans. Plan less and prototype and test new material more.
  10. Above all else use passion as your compass, do what you love, don't do what you don't love. The acid test is always to ask 'would I do this for free?' Passion is infectious and everyone want's a bit of a great thing. Great things come with great price tags!!!

    Success Awaits

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