STEP 1. Target a Niche Market
Maybe everybody can use what you offer. But that doesn't mean everybody will take the time to consider it. You'll get the largest number of sign-ups with the least amount of effort and at the lowest cost by targeting a niche market.
A niche market is a group of potential customers who share common characteristics making them especially receptive to what you offer.
I recently met a distributor for an MLM company selling health and nutritional products. She found a list of health club members who also subscribe to a magazine about starting a business. The combination of these 2 special interests created a good niche market for her. It's her primary source of new distributors.
STEP 2. Generate Low Cost Inquiries (Leads)
Use small ads, postcards and other low cost methods to generate inquiries (or web site traffic) from prospects in your targeted niche market. Prospects in your niche market are very interested in what you offer. Therefore, you'll be able to sign-up a higher than average percentage of the inquiries from them.
Generating leads also enables you to collect contact information you can use to follow up with prospects who don't take action the first time they see your offer. For example, you can direct inquiries to your web site where you also offer a free report or newsletter by email. Once you have the prospect's email address you can follow up periodically with new offers.
STEP 3. Create a Burning Desire
You'll get more sales and sign-ups by appealing to emotion than by appealing to logic. Your web site, sales letters, video/audio tapes and other sales tools should dramatize the emotional rewards your prospect gets from using your company's products -- or by becoming a distributor in your downline. For example, to promote the business opportunity, describe how a successful distributor spends his or her ideal day. Create a burning desire to begin enjoying this lifestyle.
TIP: Evaluate the effectiveness of sales tools available from your company or upline. If they don't produce results for you, develop your own. I know many MLM distributors who get a much higher response from postcards they created than from the postcards supplied by their company.
STEP 4. Stimulate Immediate Action
Many prospects procrastinate after they make the mental decision to sign up with you. They get distracted by other things. Their interest begins to fade and they never do it. You can avoid losing them by rewarding immediate action and penalizing procrastination. I know of one distributor who refunds his sign up bonus to new distributors -- but ONLY if they sign up within 48 hours of receiving his "special offer".
STEP 5. Follow Up
Most prospects won't take action the first time they investigate your offer. That's why it's important to collect the contact information I mentioned in Step 2.
Follow up with new prospects every few days for the first week. If they don't sign up, store their names and addresses and follow up with them every month during the next 6 months. You can often double your business volume by following up with prospects.