here is a copy of letter to put out with the dutch/ german flyer
thank for natalie for sending it through have you seen the new
german/ dutch small
code 07064 for 100 great for blanket drops in netherlands and
germany the new catalogue is a great way to find where the
customers are, anybody who would like to translate the letter to
german please if you have had prospects in germany and holland
before, why not send the catalogue if some storys and see what
happens, leaders should have the catalogues at local meetings here
is the dutch opportunity
kleeneze dvd
here is german opportunity kleeneze
do you know there are 100 million people in netherlands and germany,
also the best market for tupperware is germany even if kleeneze
was just a party plan company, its a massive opportunity always
ask who do you know in holland and germany, a great way to find
contacts and they will always ask why? so make sure you have
some flyer catalogues to show them
best wishes gavin and bonnie
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